FEBRUARY FRIDAY 2, 2024.RELEASE EVERYWHERE MANDATEHOLY GHOST MONTHTOPIC: WHAT THE HOLY GHOST DOESTEXT:-Dan. 11:32bThe Spirit of God imparts might and strength for exploits (Micah 3:8; Judg. 14:5-6; )It takes a solid body, vibrant spirit and sound mind to have a solid destinyThe Spirit of God brings inspiration and direction (Job 32:8;
Rom. 8:14, 19;
Isa. 30:29;
Ps. 29:3-5,9)Inspiration and direction are the vehicles for the manifestation of power.When you are led by the Spirit of the Lord, your generation awaits your manifestation (Rom. 8:14, 19)When you are in touch with the Voice of the Lord, you are in touch with power.When God is talking to you, He is injecting you with power.Disconnection from the Voice of God makes you a weaklingPRAYERS
LORD REFRESH MY LIFE WITH THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST.Father, I am open to Your direction; speak to me, let me hear You.Join