
God’s Impact Home of Nations


Release chapel, Gihon, Akpulu is the spiritual home of release chapel worldwide.

Took off on 9th of June 2009 by our senior pastor Dr. David Nzubechukwu.

There has been commotion of healings, deliverance, liberations, dramatic turnaround, restorations, recoveries, rehabilitations, winning of souls, impact to lives and great encounters by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of Pastor Dr. David Nzubechukwu. Till date miraculous services are ongoing in that place through his spiritual sons and daughters.

– Hosts annual “feast of Release Camp Meeting every last weekend in November of every year.
– Feast of release is the spiritual convocation of all release family worldwide. Main host of annual anniversary of release chapel.
– Houses our education commission which includes covenant child academy ( primary school), Dominion college (secondary school and word of truth Bible Institute.